Sunday, March 8, 2009

Biological Differences between the sexes?

Click here to take the Sex ID quiz from the BBC. Post your resuts in our comments page. The study is still gathering data, but the intial findings were published in the April 2007 issue of the Archives of Sexual Behavior. We'll discuss your findings in class on Tuesday.


Anonymous said...

Sindhu- 25% male. awesome.

angles: 20/20
spot the diff: 57%
hands: right
empathizing: 12/20
systemizing: 8/20
eyes: 6/10
faces: feminine
3D shapes: 10/12

Anonymous said...


I got a straight zero. I guess my brain is gender neutral.

Anonymous said...

I scored a 25 on the male side.

Results from the Six Parts...
Part 1
Angles: 20 out of 20 (more male)
Spot the Difference: 71% (more female)
Part 2
Hands: Left thumb was on top (dominant right brain)
Part 3
Emotions and Systems:
- Empathizing: 9 out of 20 (better than avg. men, worse than avg. women)
- Systemizing: 9 out of 20 (better than avg. women, worse than avg. men)
Eyes: 7 out of 10 (more female)
Part 4
Fingers: right hand ratio = 1.01, left hand ratio = 1.04
Part 5
Faces: preferred more masculine faces
Part 6
3D Shapes: 12 out of 12 (more male)
Words: 13 words associated with grey and 8 words named that meant happy (more female)
Ultimatum: demanded £25 (less than 60% = more female)

Anonymous said...

Ben Stuart: 25% male

Angles 17/20
Spot the diff: 36%
Hand: Left
Empathy: 3/20
Systems: 11/20
eyes: 7/10
Words: 14

Anonymous said...

Lena- 25% male
angles: 19/20
spot the diff- 14/14
hands: left on top
emp- 5/20
sys- 15/20
faces: feminine
3D Shapes: 11/12

Anonymous said...

Rachael - 0

angles: 15/20
spot the difference: 43%
hands: right
empathizing: 12/20
systemizing: 15/20
eyes: 7/10
fingers: .97
faces: masculine
3D shapes: 11/12
words: 13 for grey, 9 for happy
ultimatum: 25

Anonymous said...

i got a zero
angles- 19/20
spot the diff 57%
empathizing: 12
systeming: 7/20
eyes: 6/10
3d: 9/10

Anonymous said...

Greg: I scored a 0 overall

3D shapes:8/12

Anonymous said...

Patrice: 25% Female

-Angles: 11/20
-Spot the Difference: 57%
-Hands: right brain
-Emotions&Systems: 11/20 empathising, 5/20 Systemising
-Eyes: 7/10
-Fingers: 0.9 right hand, 0.83 left hand
-Faces: prefer feminine faces
-Shapes: 7/12
-Words: 0-5
-Ultimatum: 25

Anonymous said...

vo brain score-->0

angles> 17/20
spot the difference> 64%
hands> left
empathizing> 12/20
systemizing> 8/20
eyes> 6/10
fingers> RH-.97 LH-.98
faces> masculine
3D shapes> 11/12
words> grey-8 happy-14
ultimatum> 25 euros

Anonymous said...

Christie-- 25 female
Angles: 18/20
Spot difference: 57%
Hands: right
Empathising: 14/20
Systemising: 5/20
Eyes: 6/10
Fingers: 1.04 right and left
Faces: feminine
3D: 7/12
Words: 12

Anonymous said...

Nick - It finally worked!

I'm zero.

angles: 17/ 20
STD: 71%
Hands: Left
Empathy: 10/20
Systemizing: 12/20
Eyes: 6/10
Fingers: .93 for both hands
Faces: Female
3D Shapes: 12/12
Words: 10 - 12
Ultimatium: 25

Anonymous said...

Dan: 0. brain sex neutral. sick.

angles: 15/20
spot dif: 71%
hands: left (right brain dominant)
empathizing: 3/20
systemizing: 17/20
eyes: 7/10
fingers: right-.91, left-.9
faces: feminine
3D shapes: 9/12
words: 5 with grey, 6 with happy
ultimatum: demanded 35

Anonymous said...

David - 25% male

spot the diff: 71%
hand: right on top
empathy: 6/20
systemising: 19/20
eyes: 9/10
fingers: right-0.91 / left-0.92
faces: feminine
3D: 9/12 (but most complete guesses because there were no pictures)

Anonymous said...

Jess- 50 % male ha

angles- 19/20
spot the diff- 71%
hands- right
empathizing- 11/20
systemizing- 6/20
eyes- 6/10
Fingers- .9
faces- perfer masculine faces
3D shapes- 11/12
Words- 9
Ultimatum- 24

Anonymous said...

Gina Ficociello- 25 male

Spot the difference: 11/14
Hand: left
empathy: 4/20
eyes: 7/10
faces: masculine
3d shapes: 11/12
words: 10
ultimatum 25

Anonymous said...

LeAnne- 50% male.

angles: 17/20
spot the difference: 64%
hands: left
empathizing: 12/20
systemizing: 10/20
eyes: 8/10
fingers: right- 1.08 left-1.02
faces: masculine
3D shapes: 12/12

Anonymous said...

Kelly- I got a 0

Angles: 15/20
Spot the difference: 14/14
Hands: Right
Empathizing: 11/20
Systemizing: 11/20
Eyes: 9/10
Fingers: Left-.9 Right-.94
Faces: More masculine faces
3D Shapes: 9/12
Words: 4 words for grey and 5 for happy...i'm embarassing
Ultimatum: £50

Anonymous said...

I had to take it again. First time I got 25 female. This time I got 0.

Angles: 14/20
Difference: 50%
Hands: Left
Empathizing: 6
Systemizing: 6
Eyes: 8
Fingers: 1.02 both
Faces: feminine
3D Shapes: 10
15 words

Anonymous said...

Kylie - 25% female

angles: 18/20
spot the diff: 71%
hands: left thumb on top, right brain dominant
empathising: 8/20
systemising: 6/20
eyes: 7/10
fingers: right hand ratio-1.01; left hand ratio-1.00
faces: masculine
3D shapes: 7/12
words: 13 total
ultimatum: I would demand $30

Anonymous said...

Katie Lynch

0 neutral

angles: 13/20
spot the difference: 43%
hands: right
emotions and Systems:
- wmpathizing: 18/20
- systemizing: 3/20
eyes: 7/10
-right hand ratio- 1
-left hand ratio- 1
faces: masculine
3D shapes: 9/12
words: 8 words with grey and 5 words with happy

Anonymous said...

Sophie Yang- 50% male

Angles: 16/20
Spot the difference: 14%
Emotions and Systems: 9/20
Eyes: 7/10
Fingers: Right hand:1.25
Left hand:.92
Faces: masculine
3D shapes:8/12
Words: 1 associated with grey
1 associated with happy